Friday, October 24, 2014

Why Do We Suck Up When It Destroys Our Lives Not To Mention Our Relationship And Marriage

Why do people, both men and women, suck up, kiss butt, etc., to get what they want? Women will divorce men for sucking up as surely as if they had an affair! What does it say about you if you're doing it, with the opposite sex and in other areas of your life? It's bad, no matter what you think it gets you. Read on...

I got some rather colorful comments on a recent post about women being disgusted by men who allow themselves to be trod upon, and there was recently a discussion thread on our forum,, posted by a woman who was at the end of her rope with her husband doing suck-up things like deferring to her on every decision, so let's talk about this common mistake that most people make far too often, frequently without realizing it: ass-kissing. Yes, that's pretty much aggressively seeking to be trod upon, isn't it? LOL!

Oh, you never did it, huh? Never once in your entire life laughed at a bad joke to keep the boss happy, never once fawned over a woman hoping to get to first base and beyond, never said, "Yes, sir," to a cop and then cursed at him under your breath as he walked away?

Okay, have it your way. Denial fixes everything, right? Get a clue. For the rest of us who embrace reality, it makes us feel like crap if we do it and it's a particularly embarrassing and wholly unattractive spectacle to witness. More importantly, there's little a mentally and emotionally healthy woman hates any more than to have a man sucking up to her; unless she's a parasite, predator, or horribly damaged and insecure, such as a woman with abandonment issues, she wants no part of it.

So why do we do it? And more importantly, why and how should we STOP DOING IT?

At first glance, one might think that it's caused by fear of punishment, but for some reason, it's only punishment that entails loss of something. Admit it, if your boss punched you in the mouth you'd punch him back, but if he threatened to fire you if you didn't do something he asked, (yes, I said "he," because most women are security-minded and diplomatic, and therefore would not make such a threat in the workplace, not because women can't be the supervisor in the workplace) you'd at least consider doing what he was wanting. But...

Back in your single days, if you were a little more secure and happy-go-lucky because you still had your whole life ahead of you, if a woman threw a drink in your face, you might just throw one back, or laugh it off, but today if she starts acting like you might fall out of favor, you start sucking up. It's a fear of losing something that you think would be hard or impossible to replace. How is this relevant to being attractive to the woman you love (or any other woman for that matter)?

How do you think it makes her feel when you kiss her behind? First, it shows weakness, and women really hate that. It's also boring, because most men do it, so it's also commonplace and therefore even more boring, and they really hate the idea of getting stuck for the long haul with a boring, weak guy. Then it starts getting really bad...

In "THE Man's Guide to Great Relationships and Marriage," we discuss how women are constantly testing and reevaluating everything around them, consciously and subconsciously. What kind of thoughts do you think that acting weak and boring can inspire in your partner?

How about that since you're afraid of losing her because you couldn't replace her, that you might be right and nobody else would have you?

That makes you the bottom of the barrel, doesn't it? Ouch!

And now she's settled for the bottom of the barrel, right? Double ouch!

Well, yes, because like it or not, it's all about her, not you. Yes, really! And she's naturally competitive, so you don't want to be bottom-shelf goods in what F.J. Shark calls "the social marketplace." What he refers to as "social proof" - being desirable enough for other women to pay attention to you too - is important. So how many tests do you think you're actually passing while acting like a wuss? How good do you think you're making her feel about having you around? At the end of her day with you, do you think she's feeling attraction, and even arousal, or aggravation, and the distinct feeling that she should have chosen "the other guy" because the choice she made ended up being a boring wuss?

Show me a woman who really wants a sniveling ass-kisser under her thumb and I'll show you a woman who most likely has some severe self-esteem issues and is looking to punish men, probably after being traumatized by one or more of them. They don't want us terrorizing, bullying, or abusing them with verbal or physical aggression, but they don't want us acting like a whiney little wuss, either. What women want lies between those two extremes...

They want to be able to respect us, because that's part of what creates and sustains attraction and all those wonderful feelings they have when attraction commences, and we have to act respectable for them to do that. We have to act like leaders, not suck-ups. What gets in the way of that? Go back to fear of loss for a minute...

I've heard this fear of loss referred to as a "scarcity mentality" (an attitude of "I must protect what I have because I'll never be able to replace it" as opposed to an attitude of "I can earn or create whatever I want"), and it's a dangerous trap to fall into. Indeed, it can kill relationships, careers, even lives. How and why?

When you don't feel worthy of a job, a woman's attention, etc., it makes you question how you would replace it, instead of whether the employer or the woman is worthy of your presence, commitment, attention, effort, etc. This kills any self-esteem you may have, because it forces you to fear the loss of whatever benefit that job, partner, situation, or whatever provides you. Fear, not hatred, is the most mentally and physically destructive of all emotions, and I hope it's obvious to you why. If not, hit Google with a question like "how does fear affect the human body" and read the results.

It's truly devastating, even when it's only subconscious. There is a recognized medical condition, called "apoplexy," which is defined as a physical state of having worried until one becomes physically ill. It upsets natural chemical balances so severely that it can kill you.

Why put yourself through that?

BE worthy of whatever you want in life! Do your job to the best of your ability, and get paid for it. If your employer can't pay what you're worth, for whatever reason, find a new employer. Pay your employees well for the work they do. If they don't do enough to earn the check, don't worry about how you'll replace them, but replace them.

Closer to home, BE the best partner you can be to your wife or girlfriend (or husband or boyfriend for you ladies - the door swings both ways on this issue!); if they don't appreciate it enough or care enough about themselves or you to be the best they can be, fire them, too! Life is too short to spend it being less than you can be or with someone less than you deserve.

When you know that you are doing your best and worthy of whatever it takes to hold your attention and loyalty, you'll walk into a room like you own it, and consequently the women there, especially the one you love, will want you because of it, and if you treat them with respect while leading them through life, you'll have them for life, because no woman will risk losing the feeling of attraction, of being swept off her feet, that such behavior is always going to create. (There are times when women will push you to exhibit that behavior if you don't do it on your own, but that's another newsletter!)

Face it. If you didn't either have problems or want to avoid problems, you wouldn't be reading this newsletter. Everything you need to know to become a functional expert on your own relationships is in "THE Man's Guide to Great Relationships and Marriage," and you've got two choices:

You can do what losers do and keep doing what you're doing, or you can go to and do yourself and your partner (present or future) a huge favor by downloading your copy of "THE Man's Guide to Great Relationships and Marriage," because life really is too short to live it in fear of losing what's important to you.

In the meantime, live well, be well, and have a wonderful day!

David Cunningham

"Being a man is something to which one should aspire, not something for which he should apologize." --David Cunningham


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