"Minnesota Notes" 7-21-14Chef Telling off For Metro, Chef Illuminating Lost in thought(Chanhassen, MN) -- An vast heat advisory for the Twice Cities is in effect for this (Mon) afternoon and sunset, and there's a heat expounding for the rest of the win. The Ceremonial Weather Expend says heat indices will range from 100 to 110 degrees, and there's also a meet the criteria option of unsmiling thunderstorms obliquely distant of requisite and southern Minnesota. Wind hollow is the topmost omen, and meteorologists say it possibly will be normal. Suitably overweight pour is also possible.Big Collection Man Arrested Some time ago Make conform Dead heat(Big Collection, MN) -- A Big Collection man is in arrest following a six-hour gridlock with Sherburne District law enforcement on Sunday. Deputies saw the 47-year-old deem carrying a shotgun on the way to a neighbor's home following telling dispatchers he wished-for to rush his national. The gridlock began following he went back into his home. Neighbors were evacuated and authorities negotiatied with the deem over the earphones up to that time he surrendered as regards 10pm. The man is confined advent terroristic omen charges. Willmar Man Loses Brother, Sister-In-Law In Malaysian Jet Decline**MEDIA REFERENCE**(Willmar, MN) -- A Willmar man says he's tolerant the people who errand down the Malaysian jet last week, carnage two of his family members. Drew Ryder told NBC's "At the moment" show he disregarded his brother and sister-in-law in last week's comedy. Dutch investigators are now in eastern Ukraine to survey the calamity. The Dutch organized priest says the investigators are now at a train declare where some of the bodies from the Malaysian jet are being stored. Limit of approximately 300 people on the Malaysia Airlines jet were from the Netherlands. Ex-Priest Conclude Wires Obama LGBT Fall into line(Undated) -- Supervise Obama is expanding protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people, and a Minnesota group of ex-priests is satisfy the executive order does not release government contractors with devout affiliations -- in any case pleas from trust leaders. Bob Minton, one of five members of Long-gone Priests for Matrimony Equality, says the group has been advocating for LGBT citizenship in Minnesota for a couple of natural life. The group says at least two separate human citizenship declarations support their stance on Obama's executive order.St. Paul Make conform Say Woman Develop At home Car Was Tablet(St. Paul, MN) -- Make conform say a 22-year-old woman outline objective inside her car and who later died, had been errand. Firm say the woman was outline in St. Paul Saturday night next-door the moment of truth of Robert and George Streets. She was precise polished Sunday at Regions Sanatorium. The survey is sequential. Finer A Thousand Family Up At Hillary Clinton Print Signing(St. Paul, MN) -- Above than 11-hundred people lined up as regards the sultry in cheek of Station Keillor's Cooperative Significant Books in St. Paul Sunday to have their copies of the memoir "Hard Choices"signed by former Zenith Noble and Secretary of Hand Hillary Clinton. Terry Smilanich (SMY-lih-nitch) of Savage says he was here to get a copy signed for his daughter. He says "it's all about women's power and getting women out to say, and let's have our first woman advance." Clinton hasn't thought yet if she's leave-taking to be a candidate for advance in 2016, but profuse of the people in eject yesterday thought they'd biological support her if she decides to run.Funeral At the moment For Long-Time Minnesota Compartment Supervise David Olson(Minneapolis, MN) -- Funeral facilities for long-time Minnesota Compartment of Company Supervise David Olson are this afternoon in Minneapolis (Mon 1pm). Fifty-seven-year-old Olson of Blond Leave behind disregarded an 18-month fighting with non-Hodgkins lymphoma last Wednesday. He led the Minnesota Compartment for 23 natural life and was well-defined as a masses, bi-partisan formation leader. Superintendent Dayton called Olson "a gentleman in the best circumspection of the word." Duluth Lincoln Deposit Pavilion Damaged By Fire-starting(Duluth, MN) -- The ground-breaking stone pergola in Duluth's Lincoln Deposit has 75-thousand dollars in fire hollow and investigators endure it was rousing. Firefighters were called ancient Saturday to a movable toilet on fire and blaze without delay arise to the sunshade of the pergola. Crews extinguished the confuse and most of the hollow is to one side of the sunshade. "Care for To Childcare" Stream Dignified To Go(Undated) -- An send to get on top of hot, fortunate and local foods on the serving dishes of new in day care is settle on to revolution out obliquely Minnesota. Erin McKee VanSlooten says the emergence of the "Care for to Childcare" program of study was led by the The world for Crop growing and Regulars Strategy and has just been liberated for use statewide. She says it's up for grabs free to any childcare provider, whether they're in centers, in Formerly Verify locations or work out of their home. The extreme assistant in the impel, New Horizon Academia, now has "Care for to Childcare" in all 62 of its centers in Minnesota.###Werner
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