Tips By Bonnie Lee 1) DON'T LOOK AT OTHER WOMEN While dating, focus your attention on your date and make her feel as if she matters the most to you compared to other women. Let's face it, women loved to be showered with attention and pampered by her man. If not for you, who else other than her immediate family members. 2) MAKE HER FEEL LIKE A QUEEN On the first date, buy her dinner to show you value her company. This will also reduce any tension between two people meeting for the first time. Make her feel special. Women find this absolutely irresistible. Build a bond of fun and excitement between you and be romantic. Subsequently you can buy her gifts when the relationship progresses but never ask or even hint sexual favors in return. Women get appalled and turned off by any suggestion of sex initially. 3) BE YOURSELF Don't exaggerate or boast your credentials, successes, etc. Make the other party feel at home so that she does not feel pressured to impress or lie to you. Sincerity is the best policy. Nobody feels more comfortable around people who are genuine and sincere. 4) DON'T EVER TALK ABOUT YOUR PAST RELATIONSHIPS Don't keep harping on them. This is a no-no and a sure turn-off. You will only project the impression that you are unable to let go and continue to give a present date a chance to get to know you better in a positive manner.5) TREAT YOUR FIRST DATE AS IF GOING FOR AN "INTERVIEW" You want to impress and let the other person know your qualities and characteristics for a life partner. If you are not ready to be in a commitment, let her know straight away so that you do not mislead her into false hopes. But be cautious not to boast or exaggerate stuffs that are beyond you. Your deepest communication to women is carried out by your personal style and your level of confidence. Nobody feels more at ease than being with a confident man.6) DON'T KEEP SPLURGING AND LIVE LIKE A MILLIONAIRE UNLESS YOU ARE ONE YOURSELF During the dating process, be careful how you handle money and spend within your own capacity. You don't want a bank account of only 1 figure left after several dates. If you cannot afford it, go for somewhere cheaper or try less expensive alternatives. It is most undesirable if after several dates, you find that both of you are almost broke or worse, had to borrow to continue your lavish lifestyle. If your partner is in a habit of borrowing money from you, drop her or him immediately.7) BE OBSERVANT While dating for a while, you can conclude if this person is suitable for you for life or not. During dating, keep both eyes wide open and look for tell tale signs like a persistent borrower, in debt, etc but after marriage, keep a close eye and forgive. The best time to date is during high school or undergraduate years as you are young with no "life baggage" but you can also date if you are single again. Marriage is meant to last for better or for worse till death do us part. But enjoy dating while you can and live life to the fullest.
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