Saturday, November 9, 2013

Why Do Men Have Affairs And How Do You Stop More On Protecting Your Relationship And Marriage

An obviously troubled man writes to ask how he can STOP having affairs and get his life together. Let's see what we can do for him - and YOU!

Guys and gals, lightning has struck! I have for you today proof that men can recognize and admit that they do not like having affairs, and do indeed want a stable, monogamous relationship, possibly even enough to do what is necessary to make it happen. Only time will tell whether this man has the courage of his convictions, but I'm sensing a very genuine desire and sense of priority in his words, and his language indicates that he's going to step up and take charge of his life. Meet James:

Good morning,

My name is James and would like to share with you problems in my relationship.

It's been ten years now with ma girlfriend. The problem is I love her but I'm having affairs.

I'm so insecure, jealous coz I think she's doing the same thing, I don't trust her at all.

I would like to overcome my problem and stick to one partner, get married, give ma seven year daughter all the support she can ever get.

I don't think I'll cope if she have an affair.

I'm OUTGOING, spend most weekends out with friends, on drinking spree,

Come weekdays, I'm a darling.

The problem has affected our sex intimate life, we get intimate once in a while.

She has feeling and will end up having an affair.

Please help.


This is obviously a man who is bottoming out, realizing that he's at a crossroads, and is deciding that he doesn't want to spend the rest of his life the way he's spent the last ten years. I call that a damned good choice, based on what he's written about the last ten years. My response:

Hi James,

I cannot help you while you're pursuing affairs, but if you're truly ready to stop and straighten up, listen to reason, and get your life on track I can definitely help. Before you can do anything, you're going to have to identify the reason you are having affairs and eliminate it.

If you're doing it because you have no self-esteem and are trying to substitute the acceptance and approval of other women for the genuine self-esteem created by achievement, then you're going to have to start creating real reasons to feel good about yourself and stop thinking that chasing other women is going to make you feel any better about anything. Approval and acceptance must come from within, not from somebody else.

If it's because you are bored, or because your wife is bored and the two of you aren't intimate, then you just need to get back in tune, learn about how to create attraction and communicate effectively, and nature will quickly take its course and get you to where you need to be. That's not hard to do, but you need to know how and you need to want it to make it happen.

Unfortunately, your weekend "drinking sprees" point toward low self-esteem, because a man who feels good about himself doesn't spend every weekend poisoning himself and looking for cheap thrills with other self-destructive people; a drink or two is no big deal, but you're describing a binge, and you know as well as I do that repeated bingeing is self-destructive behavior. A man who feels good about himself spends that time enriching himself with his hobbies and enjoying time with the ones he loves, not abusing himself and, potentially, those around him.

Low self-esteem makes you very unattractive to any woman who spends any time around you, except for a predator who is looking for a new mark to suck dry of life and cash, and causes you to seek approval, acceptance, social confirmation, etc., from women, who may find you charming and witty when both of you are drinking or drunk, which is a huge red flag in itself, but after they sober up and see that you're swimming in your problems instead of solving them, they quickly move on and the affair ends.

You have some pretty serious work ahead of you, and my book, "THE Man's Guide to Great Relationships and Marriage," can help you if you read and apply it. Its primary purpose is to deprogram you from all the wussy crap that the media and other idiots have heaped on us over the last forty years or more and let the real man within you come out and take over, a man who is competent, confident, attracts and understands women, and is the kind of man that every woman wants to live with, a man-caught in a self-amplifying cycle of self-improvement instead of a death-spiral.

I'd suggest you give it a try before you become an alcohol-related death statistic, because all that is really in front of you is a series of choices to live a better life. The decision is the hard part; following through is easy once you've committed to change, because you get to see results and feel good about them, which in turn motivates you to achieve better and better results. Self-esteem-building becomes a self-perpetuating cycle that replaces the cycle of approval-seeking and self-destruction you're caught in now.

Take care, and keep in touch,


I saw a purchase notification from James within 24 hours, and I fully expected it. Why? Because he's not in denial about his situation; he's accepted it and admitted that he is the cause of his own problems. When people finally face the fact that what they are doing isn't working and start asking for help, they usually go through with fixing it.

There are two exceptions. The first is that group of people who define "help" as having someone do everything for them instead of providing the information and support they need and then getting out of the way and letting them do what needs to be done so they can own their own achievement and feel good about it.

The second is that group who are looking for validation of their mistakes instead of real solutions to their problems, and they will engage you in conversation on the premise of wanting help, but they don't want to talk about a solution; instead, they want to talk about what they did and why they did it and how you must understand such-and-such. If you hear the words, "But you don't understand..." the next thing out of their mouth will be some kind of plea to ignore the reality of their bad choices and tell them that they were justified for screwing up, they're still a "good person," etc. Don't waste your time with them.

So if you're ready to admit that things aren't the way they should be and that you are ready to take an active part in the solution, that, Gentlemen, is where I come in. I've done the research with hundreds of couples to find out what makes for good and bad relationship and how you can evaluate your own, what women want and what truly makes them tick, and how to easily return to that natural male behavior that flips their attraction switches and turns up the heat, saving them from their primary enemy, boredom. Do you realize what this means to you?

Do you remember the story about the man who found the bottle, rubbed it, and out came a genie, who granted him one wish, and he said he wanted a bridge from Los Angeles to Hawaii so he could drive his wife, who was afraid of flying, there for a vacation? When the genii said it was too big a request, the man said, "Then I guess I just want to know what makes women tick," and the genii said, "Hmmm...tell me more about this bridge."

We were all taught through such jokes and stories growing up that this is something that we would never know, yet here before you is the opportunity to know, once and for all, that most mysterious and seemingly forbidden of all things. Indeed, Sigmund Freud, the renowned psychologist, is famous for saying, "The Great Question... which I have not been able to answer... is, 'What does a woman want?'" That conundrum being solved, the question now is "Do you have the sense and the guts to reach out and grab this knowledge that evaded even the likes of Sigmund Freud and put it to work in your life?"

Like James, you now have a choice before you. Are you going to continue to sit there in the dark picking up a few crumbs from this newsletter every day, or even worse, in denial about the cause of your problems and looking for someone else to blame? Or are you going to secure for yourself and your family the next best thing to the keys to the universe, the knowledge that will put you on the road to being all that you can be, in your eyes and hers?

That should be the easiest decision you ever made in your life, so jump over to and download your copy of "THE Man's Guide to Great Relationships and Marriage" right now, before you do another thing, because as we say in The South, "Time's a wastin!" and life is definitely too short to waste it. And don't miss our new forum at, where you can find help, friends, and fun!

In the meantime, live well, be well, and have a wonderful day!

David Cunningham "Being a man is something to which one should aspire, not something for which he should apologize." --David Cunningham


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