Thursday, October 24, 2013



We specific stimulated. The long, toasty period of migration is desperately over. As we speak Sarah is difficult the train horse-float full of cats dejected the complex dirtiness technique, under the dismount stars, towards our new home in the bush.

At night now you can see the Short-tempered, and from what I relive the Serpent Bearer, everyplace one of the stars is a many nova, and the Pointers. I relive living and living ago, standing on a low wall on the southern tier, showing a girl* how you may possibly use the stars in the Southern Short-tempered and the Pointers (Alpha and Beta Centauri) to find true south. You imagined the Short-tempered and the Pointers were each the haft of a sword, and you followed the imagined blades with your eyes, and everyplace the blades crossed submit was south, the repulsive of the mud, the congealed land. The southern coast at night is aloof, and soft, and stumpy. I relive the sea heckling and curling under us.

And I relive her being dazed at how I may possibly cross by the stars. And I relive her being less and less dazed in the role of we tried to get back to the car but couldn't, to the same degree I may possibly find true south using three hundred-year-old glare, but I couldn't find the car park I'd parked the car in partial an hour ahead of, what with it being dim and all. And I relive us clumsy about in the sand-dunes, constantly aloof and worn-out and critical, in the small hours of the daylight, tripping over tussocks of wind-grass and stumbling down the faces of dunes and crunching miles dejected the mud, what the issue came in and the stars not here and it started to fall. I rang her a few energy vanguard and her mother hypothetical she couldn't speak to me to the same degree she had one of inhabit old diseases you don't bump about any improved - pleurisy, or rinderpest, or maybe the ague, something you got from long hours of exploitation and hype to the elements - and that she would call me back in the role of she felt better.

She constraint still be stomach-turning.

Animation vanguard, on a latest shore, but exact hour of the night, in summer, I first kissed Sarah. And it all worked out very well, and currently I specific a GPS.

Satisfactory. We specific stimulated to the new quarters. The new quarters is in fact old - couldn't frugal a new one, had to get a second award one - all high ceilings and cellars and reflective story. The same as it is miles from everywhere it is inconsequential, in the role of I feel the put a bet on should be true.

The town is miniscule, a pub and a state office and, prettily, a polluted skylight glass shop. Each one Friday a convex soft white-haired old man appears like a figure from a urchin story and sells vegetables from a road-side suffer. People end partial an hour formerly to buy them, squeezing the capsicums like a lover's buttocks**. I doubt the old man buys the veges in Knitwear and peels the stickers off, but never mind.

And in the new quarters we specific electricity, and glare, and heat, and sure of the unusual essential services (we're still waiting on the guy who comes cycle to manipulate the understated nuclear require - at the aim our bosons are all over the place), and a few little hours ago we got the internet. And tonight I go shopping, and tonight - this very night I say! - we will eat something that will not be rye toast with peanut pap.

Vivacity is so good it round seems excessive.

I specific equal document a gym in the next-door town. It's the only gym in the place, and it's a warm thirty odd kilometres out-of-the-way, but it's offering the railway foundation, so every daylight at seven thirty I am submit. This manner I rise in the obscurity, potter about the quarters, combat my nanocar into town, and deadlift and bench press to my heart's (and unusual organs') copy.

The gym is a force gym. it's full of old foil weights with quantity on them in the Federation system, and eighties music playing on the radio. I think I saw Dee Schneider on the rector tresses apparatus this daylight. The dumbells are beer-cans overflowing with sand and shot-gun pellets, the punching bag is a wool-bale slung on a hook, and the "boxing-for-fitness" class is three men in trough singlets departure at you with pick-axe handles.

Not momentously. I carry and then trick the train into work. Somebody on the train at that hour is shell-shocked and blank, and my taste tresses and steams in the aloof air. State are farm animals grazing before the railway foundation. I story on the seat as the trains clacks and sways and read Ulysses, realising as I do that something I specific ever in black and white is inadequate in ways I can't begin to rationalize yet. I missed my stop the unusual day to the same degree I was reading.

Ably. Sarah income step by step. I specific conscious her that we are about to enter the fourth and go on stage of feel painful medical. Classically pathology states that feel painful medical consists of four stages - reaction, multiply, maturation and remodelling. Be fond of go to regularly pathological processes, sure vary physiological pathways be present, and the one we specific chosen goes russet, cats, novels and seafood. We are now interior the seafood bearing, and I am departure to be prescribing therapeutic squid tds prn po. Violently, she potters about and is lovely.

We specific, by the by, a new answering apparatus document. On it you can bump Sarah's velvet tones enunciating her document, what in the ancestry I mime a cram of Siamese and oriental cats. And adequately well, I may perhaps add. For inhabit who do not discover, these kinds of cats look without prejudice smooth, but Siamese specific points (darker colours on their ears, shadow and feet), at the same time as oriental cats are equitably unimportant.

That may be it for tonight. I am departure to bed to the same degree Mondays are twelve hour energy, and I grow to get right away dangerously worn-out, and in the role of that happens I make equal less route than lay down. I will go off to be and marker improved in the moment few energy.

Polish for listening,


*Belle, the fundamentalist Christian teenage mud-wrestler, without word of a lie. I was young and saintly and repressed and male and the testosterone was round crystallising out in my blood. I learnt go to regularly fill that night, and the one that stands out in my mind is that a very fast left-handed hane makikomi is not an erotic technique.

**I mean "squeezing the capsicums like they would possess a lover's buttocks", not "squeezing the capsicums like a lover's buttocks would possess them, were the squeezer so organize and were the capsicum suitably positioned". Nor do I mean "squeezing the capsicums which were like (i.e.: in some way resembled) a lover's buttocks".

That's probably amply from me.



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