This lesson is part of my free "Break-up Busting 101" course, but I'm rebroadcasting it now because I'm getting an inordinate number of questions about alpha male behavior and site analytics says that many of you have still not downloaded my free reports.
Aside from the fact that this lesson answers those questions quite well, I'm hoping it will induce some of you to go ahead and download "Break-Up Busting 101". Not everything that is free is worthless, but I can see how you might expect it to be after reading many other authors' "free reports" that comprise nothing more than a sales letter. But you'll see when you read this one that I could have easily sold this report instead of publishing these lessons in this newsletter, as it contains more value than many authors' "for fee" or "premium" reports, so take advantage of this opportunity while it is still available.
This lesson is part of our discussion of attraction to help you understand what exactly your partner is looking for so you can get her attention in the right way, make her desire your company (even if she's ticked off), and set the stage for the problems to be resolved. A woman who is feeling attraction is obviously more prone to engage in any kind of discussion with you if it makes her feel good than if it makes her bored or angry. Alpha male behavior invokes attraction through biological triggers and is therefore automatic and extremely predictable and dependable, and you need to know everything you can learn about it, especially how to be a guy who naturally, automatically and effortlessly exhibits such behavior.
Over the years, people who really annoy the life out of me have erroneously referred to the feeling of attraction as being "in love" or some other poetically liberating but otherwise nonsensical term instead of what it is: pure, raw excitement and desire for intimacy, fun and adventure, sexual and otherwise, directed at a particular person, "attraction" for short, because the feeling forces you to want to be in their company and closer and closer to them as time passes; it's like the closer you get, the closer it makes you want to get.
As we talked about in the edition on love, attraction, need, and lust (another chapter you can read in the free "Break-Up Busting 101" report), this state is entirely biological, not logical. It is also triggered differently in men and women, and you need to understand the difference in order to create it for her. HUGE question: WHY do you want to create it for her in a time of relationship crisis?
The answer has several parts:
o A huge and common reason for relationships being in crisis is because the man has stopped creating the feeling of attraction for her in the first place, leaving her feeling bored, distant, edgy, and vulnerable.
o Being biological and not logical, feeling attraction makes it very difficult for a woman to emotionally or logically convince herself to keep dramatizing or continuing to punish you instead of engaging in a discussion and activities that can correct the problem. It cuts through the anger and grief to focus her attention on trying to save the relationship by giving her evidence of a good reason to save it.
o Making her feel good about spending time with you will motivate her to spend the time required to discover and fix the problems instead of spending it with her girlfriends milking the emotion from the moment and listening to them bash you, which many are more prone to do than to try to address the situation logically. This is because their brain structure makes their response to crisis and change very emotionally-driven. Since the emotional state is enhanced biologically, getting through it to a state where problems can be solved also requires tripping biological triggers.
There's more, but you get the idea. The attraction triggers in men are mostly visual; anything that creates the appearance of being a good candidate for giving birth and caring for a child (ample breasts, wide pelvis and round hips, good skin, thick hair, etc.) causes the chemical cascade in our brain that makes us feel attraction. However, for women, it's quite different...
This goes back to that hunters and gatherers model, pure human evolution. It doesn't matter whether or not you believe in Darwin's theory that we all came from something like an amoeba; there has been enough evolution just in the last few thousand years of recorded history to explain what has happened between the sexes. Very long ago and until just recently (less than 100 years), marrying well was the most important of all survival skills for a woman. In early times, when women routinely spent their entire day tending children and fires and trying to forage edible plants and tan hides, men were either hunting, protecting the group, or making tools and building infrastructure.
Evolution was kind to women who chose skilled hunters and protectors, especially the leaders. Women's brains developed to respond to that image, recognizing a skilled hunter and protector, an intelligent man who was good with his hands, and a strong, commanding personality as the best candidates to take care of them. Hence, while visual attributes like healthy, muscular bodies with broad shoulders get their attention, it's only at the level of curiosity, not attraction.
To push a woman past curiosity and intrigue requires a demonstration of that very male behavior that shows intellect, leadership, and confidence, incidental signs of which are things like a good sense of humor, ability to have fun, and ingenuity - characteristics of the "alpha" or ultimate male. However, there seems to be some confusion as to the characteristics a human alpha male should exhibit.
I was talking with an old friend recently about alpha male behavior, and she kept insisting that there were parts of alpha male behavior that no woman could stomach. She wasn't feeling well and was being a little "pissy," and I hadn't talked with her in a few weeks so there was some drama thrown in there for good measure, but when I finally pinned her down to list the things that no woman would find attractive about an alpha male, they were:
o Possessive of a few favorite women, and very jealous
o Controlling
o Uses force to get his way
I about hit the roof, because these are not "alpha man" characteristics, they are "alpha DOG" characteristics (or any other non-human animal), and it is VERY important that this distinction be made and fully understood by all, or some hideous mistakes will be made.
First, think about what you know about dogs. Even the most ferocious dog is inherently insecure, especially when it comes to his food supply, his bed (turf) and female dogs. He'll fight a running sawmill to guard any of them. When dogs come together in a pack, the first thing that happens is the dogs challenge each other for the "top dog" position of alpha dog, and then the alpha dog doesn't just lead the pack, he controls the actions of the individuals as well. In any dispute, there's either a fight, or the alpha dog just takes what he wants and walks off. Dogs live like most wild creatures, focusing upon and fearing scarcity because they are not capable of productive work and creating their own means of survival. Now, compare this to humans...
We are at the top of the food chain. For the alpha - or "ultimate" -- male, his self-confidence level is high, so he could care less about possessing or controlling a woman because he knows they are standing in line to take the place of any woman that falls out of favor with him. He doesn't try to control anyone because he doesn't have to. He's a leader and people want to do what he says, at least the kind of people he wants to have around him; he has no use for people who look for excuses to avoid performing. His attitude is "lead, follow, or get the hell out of my way!" He's not afraid of competition; he looks forward to it in most instances.
He demands loyalty of those with whom he shares his life because he knows the value of his life, but unlike the dogs and other wild creatures, he doesn't live in fear of scarcity. Being human, he has the power of volitional choice, the distinguishing characteristic above all others that puts humankind at the top of the food chain. Hence, he knows that if something isn't the way he wants it, he can change it or create it. He knows that jealousy over anything is a sign of weakness and finds it repugnant in others and couldn't begin to feel it himself; if he wants something, he earns it, or it simply comes to him, like friends, underlings looking for leadership, women looking for an attractive man, etc.
He doesn't have to use force to get his way because he's intelligent (meaning that he thinks and solves problems efficiently, not necessarily that he has a formal education), a skilled leader and negotiator, and generally gets his way anyway, although he's more than capable of using it if he has to. That's not to say that he won't protect that which he has earned, because he certainly will, but he's focused on WHAT's right, not WHO's right, so fights for him are purely defensive, unless he's a cop, soldier, etc.
This attitude is natural in most men; we're born with it, but over the years, different things teach and train us to shy away from this natural behavior. Examples?
How about your mother telling you that you need to be "nice" to women, and buy them lots of gifts and let them make all the decisions to be "considerate" of them?
What about the "experts" in the 1980's who, when women said they'd like for men to be more in touch with their feelings, advised all men to cry in front of women? (Anybody that tries to tell you that a man crying, in any context, is sexy, is either a feminist propagandist, has some sort of fetish for boys, or is just plain psycho, because that invokes maternal behavior triggered by the image of a crying little boy, not a strong, virile hero, and hence, instantaneously KILLS attraction and male image.)
Or, as I'm seemingly constantly complaining about, Hollywood's portrayal of weaker and more feminine men with every passing day?
Or maybe the various forces in the "romance" industry assaulting us with ideas like paying two to three months' salary for an engagement ring (like a woman can or should be "bought" or that jewelry is some sort of "investment" when it can only be sold for scrap value when times are tough) or the sickeningly submissive and subservient image of a man kneeling before a woman asking (or begging) her to marry him?
Think about that last one for a minute. Your courtship was spent having fun, coming together, and being exciting, and if you followed tradition, you made two HUGE mistakes during the proposal, the beginning of your married life. It's no wonder that attraction and sex lives seem to end with marriage! I think I once discussed the perfect proposal, in which I would dip a woman at the peak of a highly sensual dance, hold her suspended above the floor, look her straight in the eye, and say in a strong but not belligerent tone, "Marry me," then pull her up, twirl her away and back up close to me, and hold her there until she said, "Yes!" You think not? Ask a woman...not a girl, mind you, but an emotionally mature woman. Kneeling is "sweet," not manly, and if you ask women what "sweet" means, more often than not it's associated with exposing frailty and vulnerability. I know because I asked them...a lot of them.
The women in the panel (those 118 who helped with the research and writing of "THE Man's Guide to Great Relationships and Marriage" ) responded to my proposal scenario with everything from, "Oh, YES!" to "Thanks, I'm wet now," to just being plain speechless, which is interesting, because they were the ones who contributed the various parts of the scenario, having the man in the superior (head above the woman's) position instead of kneeling, saying, "Marry me, I want you to marry me," or "Let's get married," instead of asking. Speaking of dancing and sensual, sexual and exciting ("the vertical expression of a horizontal desire"), etc., were also quite common among them.
If you can get a woman talking she'll tell you exactly what she wants and needs, if you can speak "girly-ese." Well, not exactly; she'll give you every part of the answer without putting it all together as the answer, but with all the parts, the answer pretty much falls together itself. Sometimes the parts are contained in what they say, others are obvious in what they do, once you learn how to see them and interact with them instead of just staring at their breasts and butts and wanting to ravish them. Indeed, they'll tell and show you all of that, too.
The problem is that it can take years to pick up on all of it, and most men spend a lifetime with a woman at their side without ever picking up on much, if anything. (Hence, the woman at their side is a long chain of short engagements with a lot of women.) And if you think it's hard when times are good, I'm sure you can estimate how much harder it would be when the chips are down and she's ready to kick you out of the house or leave. When things are that bad, often one more mistake is all it takes to put her over the top.
That's where "THE Man's Guide to Great Relationships and Marriage" comes in. I talked at length with these women and their partners (whether husbands or long-term boyfriends), and we nailed it all down, how to know if you're in the right relationship, how to communicate to keep the love alive, and how to trigger attraction to keep the excitement and fun alive.
With this book, you can use it as preventive medicine and ultimately not only stop your relationship from going downhill, but kick it up notches previously unknown to mankind. If you're already in crisis, you can quickly figure out whether to try to save your relationship or move on to someone with whom you can be happy (in a case where you married somebody who is just plain wrong for you and compatibility issues make fixing it impossible), and if it's worth saving, very quickly get a handle on inter-gender communications so that you can work together to fix the problems and then trigger attraction within her, to give her a reason to discuss salvaging the relationship with you instead of just starting over herself.
It's all that, really, and it can be yours in the next few minutes if you click over to and simply download your copy. Restoring your relationship and rekindling your honeymoon is pretty much a bargain at any price, but at the cost of dinner - not dinner and a movie, JUST DINNER! - that's a steal. Or maybe you'd prefer to pay the attorney fees and lose half or more of everything you own for no better reason than lack of trying?
In the meantime, live well, be well, and have a wonderful day!
David Cunningham "Being a man is something to which one should aspire, not something for which he should apologize." --David Cunningham
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