Saturday, January 28, 2012

Nominees Announced For 2010 Ida Documentary Awards

Nominees Announced For 2010 Ida Documentary Awards
"Previous today, the Universal Documentary Similarity (IDA) announced their nominees for the 2010 IDA Documentary Awards. In the top line of Revered Report Documentary, the five nominees were Banksy's Operate Straight THE Capacity Vent", Laura Poitras' "THE Exclamation", Joonas Berghaell and Mika Hotakainen's "Haze OF Life", Ilisa Barbash and Lucien Castaing-Taylor's "SWEETGRASS", and Lucy Walker's "Silt Calm down". All are very odd in style, and it's debatable whether "Operate Straight THE Capacity Vent" is a documentary in the true recitation of the word. But they are all strong and exhilarating cinema. In the line for Music Documentary Yield, the nominees are Find Moormann and Jim Bigham's "FOR Later than IN MY Life", Michele Hozer and Peter Raymont's "Expert WITHIN: THE Inner Life OF GLENN GOULD", Leanne Pooley's "THE TOPP TWINS: Improved GIRLS", Find Landsman's "Crash Life form", and Mat Hames' "To the same extent I Prominence". Prior to announced awards are the IDA Duty Talent revere for Barbara Kopple; the IDA's Invader Yield for Susan Raymond and Alan Raymond; the Custody and Sophistication Yield for filmmaker and coach Find J. Harris; and the 2010 IDA/Jacqueline Donnet Hopeful Documentary Filmmaker Yield for Jeff Malmberg, director of "MARWENCOL".Winners will be announced at a chaos on Friday, December 3rd at the Directors Smash Platform in Los Angeles. The holiday will be hosted by prominent documentarian Morgan Spurlock.
2010 IDA DOCUMENTARY AWARDSRevered Report DOCUMENTARY NOMINEES"Operate Straight THE Capacity Vent"Director: BanksyProducer: Jaimie D'cruzOrganization Producers: Holly Cushing, James Gay-ReesParanoid Silver screen, Cinetic Media, A-Film Dispersion, Alamode History, Avalon Distribucion Audiovisual, Mongrel Media, Producers Dispersion Leave, Pistol Event, Madman Event"THE Exclamation"Director: Laura PoitrasProducers: Laura PoitrasCo-Producer: Nasser Arrabyee, Aliza Kaplan, Jonathan OppenheimAlly Producer: Robert Hatch-Miller, Katy Scoggin, Pandora ZolotorItvs, Pov/American Documentary, Praxis Films, Zeitgeist Films"Haze OF Life"Directors: Joonas Berghaell, Mika HotakainenProducer: Joonas BerghaellAlly Producers: Adel Kjellstroem, Petri RossiOktober, Nordisk History Oratorical Dispersion"SWEETGRASS"Directors: Ilisa Barbash, Lucien Castaing-TaylorProducers: Ilisa BarbashHarvard Sensory Ethnography Lab, Movies Smash"Silt Calm down"Director/Writer: Lucy BackpackerProducers: Angus Aynsley, Hank LevineOrganization Producers: Jackie De Botton, Miel De Botton, Fernando Meirelles, Emillia MelloAlmega Projects, O2 Filmes, E1 Films Canada, Arthouse HistoryRevered Prepare DOCUMENTARY NOMINEES"Keep DANCING"Director: Greg VanderveerOrganization Producer: Douglas Blair TurnbaughTurnbaugh/Vander Skid Productions"THE Keep up Objection OF Officer Compartment GARDNE"Director: Daniel JungeProducer: Henry Ansbacher, Davis Coombe, Andy SchockenPied-?-terre Box Office (HBO)"Human being Nonconforming"Director/Producer: Kiran DeolOrganization Producer: Robert RichterWomen Nonconforming Films, Hbo Documentary Films"THE Wall"Director/Producer: Rory KennedyProducers: Liz Garbus, Keven Mcalester, Nancy AbrahamAlly Producer: Lauren BarkerOrganization Producer: Sheila NevinsMoxie Firecracker Films, Pied-?-terre Box Office (HBO)"THE Keep up Automobile"Directors/Writers/Producers: Steven Bognar, Julia ReichertProducer: Lisa HellerOrganization Producer: Sheila NevinsPied-?-terre Box Office (HBO)Continuing Course Yield NOMINEES"30 For 30"Organization Producers: Keith Clinkscales, John Dahl, Joan Dangle, Connor Schell, Build up Simmons, John Chief, John WalshESPN"American Prime of life"Organization Producer: Find SamelsBigger Producer: Sharon GrimbergCoordinating Producer: Susan MottauCourse Manager: James E. DunfordCourse Producer: Susan BellowsWgbh; PBS"Art In The Twenty-First Century"Organization Producer: Susan SollinsCourse Producer: Eve-Laure Moros OrtegaPBS"Block Metropolitan"Organization Producer: Evan Shapiro, Coppice Whitaker, Lynne Kirby, Mala Chapple, Marc Levin, Find Benjamin, Sarah BarnettSundance Steer"High Catch fish"Organization Producer: Tom CasciatoBigger Producer: Nina ChaudryPBSHemmed in Course Yield NOMINEES"Scar Series: Institute And Emotional Fold down In Indonesia""Pompous, Producer: Robert LemelsonOriginal Contract"Clasp You Heard From Johannesburg""Directors/Producers: Connie E RaceKqed, Lucidity Films"Latin Music USA""Organization Producer: Find Cooper, Elizabeth DeaneCourse Producer: Jeremy MarreDirector/Producers: Adriana Bosch, John ValadezDirector/Writer/Producer: Daniel MccabeProducer: Pamela AguilarWriters: Adriana Bosch, David EsparWgbh Academic Foot And The Bbc"Masterclass"Organization Producer: Lin ArisonDirector/Producer: Karen Goodman, Kirk SimonSimon And Goodman Spectacle Co"This Stressed Life"Organization Producer: Meredith BlakeExecutives-In-Charge: Jody Allen Patton, Paul G. AllenBigger Organization Producer: Richard HuttonWriter: Cynthia ScheidererKunhardt Mcgee Productions, Vulcan Productions, WgbhIDA/DAVID L. WOLPER Pupil DOCUMENTARY Yield NOMINEES"Immature MOM"Director/Producer: Maria Fortiz-MorseStanford Institution, Mfa Documentary History And Verification"PERRY Borough"Directors/Producers: Matt Durning, N'jeri EatonInstitution Of California Berkeley"THE Rotten Transfer"Director/Producer: Bagassi KouraInstitution Of California Berkeley"WAITING FOR A TRAIN: THE TOSHIO HIRANO Stage"Director/Producer: Oscar BucharOb3 Studios, San Francisco Stage Institution"WHALES OF Gold bars"Director/Producer: Lucia DuncanInstitution Of Texas At AustinIDA MUSIC DOCUMENTARY Yield NOMINEES"FOR Later than IN MY Life"Directors: Find Moormann, Jim BighamProducer: Jim BighamOrganization Producer: Lourdes ImmatureOps Inc"Expert WITHIN: THE Inner Life OF GLENN GOULD"Directors/Producers: Michele Hozer, Peter RaymontWhite Sulk Silver screen, Lorber Films, Interest group Silver screen"THE TOPP TWINS: Improved GIRLS"Director: Leanne PooleyProducer: Arani CuthbertSpacific Films, Diva Productions"Crash Life form"Director/Producer: Find LandsmanProducer: Keith Calder, Jessica WuOcuupant Films"To the same extent I Prominence"Director: Mat HamesProducers: James Moll, Michael Rosen,Organization Producer: Don CarletonAllentown Productions, Alpheus Media, Dolph Briscoe Interior For American Archives



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