* Being her confidant for her issues is probably how you ended up as just a friend. This is a key area that needs work. However you need to do it carefully so she doesn't just think you are being a heartless idiot. When she starts going on about her latest break up learn how to change the subject. Make her laugh, take her out somewhere, just stop her from talking about it. She needs to associate you with having a good time. If you can master this then you will have achieved the most powerful secrets of seducing female friends.
* Make an effort when you are around her. Women can be turned on my smell alone. Grab yourself a new aftershave and appeal to her senses.
* Create a new environment for you to hang out it. Don't get yourselves in a rut. Maybe she has never seen you move across a dance floor, or thought you would be perfect to go for a meal together. Be considerate of her, open doors, collect her coat, and make sure she is having a good time.
* Introduce her to women who are interested in you. This may be the clincher in her realizing that you are a sexual man. Be careful here, do not show interest in the other women, and do not put them down either. Just make your prey aware that women find you attractive, and she will wake up to the possibilities of having you be her man, and not just her friend.
By actively removing your role as a friend, into someone who is fun, you can change your relationship. Without doing anything to change the situations will result in you forever being her friend, and having to watch her date and find love elsewhere.
These are a few secrets in how to seduce your female friends, use them carefully to catch the attention of the woman you one. Become the flirting guy, make her feel attractive, and she should wake up to you being the perfect lover for her.
Source: dating-coach-anita.blogspot.com
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