A large segment of the population needing legal services in their Do-it-yourself divorce in Connecticut, or any other type of family law matter, are left without anyone to turn to for guidance, or so they think. Residents throughout Connecticut facing divorce, post divorce or any type of family law matter that needs to be addressed, or anyone in the midst of any type of family law action in Connecticut, can now turn to Attorney Susan Wakefield for specialized, expert and compassionate Legal Coaching assistance.
Fairfield, Connecticut (PRWEB) July 23, 2009
Attorney Wakefield has been practicing Family Law in Connecticut for over 21 years and has carved out a brand new niche to support parties with a do-it-yourself divorce in Connecticut, or any other type of family law matter, called Legal Coaching. This legal service is specifically designed to support the "pro se" litigant (individuals entering the system unrepresented by an attorney). "It's a perfect fit, because you get the benefit of the lawyer without the high cost", says Wakefield," and "I really break down the process for my clients so it's not as scary". Wakefield helps her clients overcome the fears that often surround any type of divorce or family law action and she sits down with her clients to present them with the most realistic outcome and timelines. Wakefield provides her clients with the tools necessary to walk them through their process, step by step, empowering them with the knowledge and guidance necessary to enter the courthouse with the confidence to represent themselves, removing the fear and uncertainty that comes along with being a pro se party.
Family courts throughout Connecticut have more self-represented parties now than ever before. Statistics show that more than 50% of those involved in any type of family law matter, including divorce or issues that arise post divorce, such as enforcement of a divorce agreement or modification of an existing support order, do not have an attorney to represent them. There are a record number of pro se litigants trying to navigate their way through the Connecticut courts today. In 2007 there were 240,000 self-represented litigants, and in 2008 the numbers rose to just over 260,000 and this problem isn't going away. As the economy worsens, the numbers are expected to rise and people just don't have the money to afford the high costs associated with retaining an attorney to handle their case, and for those who can afford it, "some of them choose to spend their money on other priorities, such as college tuition for their children, or retirement," said Wakefield. The average price to retain an attorney to handle your case is 15-20,000, and there is no guarantee that amount will be enough to complete the case. This is why the do-it-yourself divorce in Connecticut is on the rise. For a fraction of the cost associated with retaining an attorney to manage your case, you can opt for Legal Coaching and pay as you go on an hourly basis, for all or just parts of your case, while gaining the confidence, knowledge and savvy to go it alone.
The benefits of having a Legal Coach are abundant, and Wakefield provides her clients with critical legal information and advice from having their legal rights and obligations explained in simple terms to ensure their rights are protected, teaching clients how to fill out forms, educating them on the process of their family law matter, the best ways to present themselves in front of the court, working out financial orders and demystifying court procedures and protocols, to negotiating a fair and equitable agreement. Legal Coaching removes the fear and uncertainty associated with the process and empowers the pro se party to navigate their way through the process on a step by step basis. Wakefield says "people often feel like they are not smart enough to represent themselves, and they feel intimidated" but Wakefield believes in her clients and wants them to leave her office believing in themselves. "I think people are teachable and the divorce process is not that complicated," she said. Legal Coaching is not for everyone, and Wakefield will be quick to advise a client, after hearing the facts and circumstances of their particular matter, whether Legal Coaching is appropriate and if not, she will suggest another option such as mediation or litigation, both of which are available within her practice.
Wakefield's style is "hands-on", personal and direct - she is not an advocate of wasting client's time or money. Wakefield said of her clients, "I'm not going to promote an unrealistic expectation and I tell clients what the reasonable outcomes are, instead of supporting a dream." If you or someone you know is in need of a do-it-yourself divorce in Connecticut, or has any other type of family law matter in Connecticut, Legal Coaching may be just the right solution.
Attorney Susan Wakefield is located in Fairfield, Connecticut and practices law in the areas of Legal Coaching, Mediation and Litigation. Her Legal Coaching services are available throughout the entire state of Connecticut to pro se parties who need this type of support. She can be reached at 203-292-4950 or you can visit her website to learn more about her and her upcoming seminars at www. susanwakefieldlaw. com
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