1. Use the buddy system. There is safety in numbers. Group dates are less tense not to mention extremely safe.
2. Don't accept blind dates.
3. Never get in a car with someone you don't know. Always "meet" somewhere on the 1st date. Less romantic but much safer.
4. Never let a first time date know where you live. Again it sort of puts a damper on the romance but it could save you from stalkings and other unpleasantness.
5. Stay away from secluded beaches and other private "date" spots until you feel comfortable with them. Even if you're in a group, secluded areas are not recommended.
6. Whatever you do don't give out personal info until you know that person well. This means address, social security number, bank card, etc. Height, weight (optional), likes and dislikes are okay.
7. Make sure at least one other person knows where, when, and who you will be with.
8. For first dates pick a time to call this other person and do so just to "check in". This might remind you of high school but it could save your life.
9. Scope out the restaurant and know where the phones are located. Bring extra change in case you find yourself stranded. (If you are following Rule 3. you won't need this rule.)
10. This is the most important rule. Go with your gut, if it doesn't feel right it probably isn't. Go home and rent a movie but never do anything you don't feel is in your best interest.
Origin: street-approach.blogspot.com
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