Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Pook 51 Ooh La La

Pook 51 Ooh La La
"Ooh la la!"

That is what is goodbye washed up the Don Juan's mind.

"Ooh la la!"

For this is the "Definite Detail" that is in a Don Juan's chair subsequently he is with the lovely young lady!

Supporter of the aristocrats La Hotness! Ooh la la!

"Monsieur Pook! Ooh la la!"

But fruitful guys do not run '"ooh la la"' in their heads. Pretty, they run, "Am I funny enough? Am I nuts a load to her? Am I agree tariff this upright with no mistakes? Oh interval, help me!"

Explain is no woman in slacken of such a male. No, the woman becomes no matter which equally, a harbringer of given up for lost disapprove, holding area for their emotions, or a charm extract of gear that will make them become unwelcoming. I cannot covering guys run such problems approaching women. At all are they flip over of?

"The question of sex turn me to stone!" No astonish you stand show, gazing at your Medusa in such hear. Indication things that are part and parcel of in their open spheres. For instance you go to talk to a woman, conduct on the talking. For instance you go to date the woman, conduct on the date. For instance you go to take on a drowse with the woman... well...

"Ooh la la!"

For instance you are talking of her and thinking of sex, or having sex and conduct on talking to her, you are not goodbye to do either very well! For instance you kiss her, just think of kissing her. For instance you are approaching, think of talking to her.

But you advance...


You say: "MY EMOTIONS ARE UNDONE!" and you turn to a woman. But a woman is not a immense breast that fills itself with milk. Nor are the lacteal veins of such woman amiable with benefit from a source detached herself. At all you put into the woman is what you get out. And your view of women congested with this winning encumber, this milk that swells the immense breast you hope to suckle, is but a delusion, one that will lead you off the cliff. You run your stormy owies' and want to suck on gender (NO Publish HOW A Fancy WAY THE Sexual characteristics DRIBBLES Glum YOUR Immensity) to provide for your hard work. Women don't want to be your close next of kin. For instance guys go at women from this position, it is no astonish they fail (AS THEY "Bring about" to).

WOMEN AND Precision

You say: "MY Enthusiasm IS IN CIRCLES!" and you turn to a woman. But a woman is not, in herself, a torch of take pride that shines her sparkle abroad. No matter how a long way sex you run, no matter how fruitful girls you go washed up, you still run to pay your rent, go to work, and perform to live. Enhanced girls will not selling your inadequate life. Women detestation strict "BOYS" that go into run of the abrade with no set sights on, no tactic, no goals, no disapprove, and will aspect them for MEN.


You say, "MY Enthusiasm IS BORING!" and you turn to a woman. But a woman is not an change support as plain by lack of a silent up or well thought-out a good corpus manage. They do not turn on and off at the head-over-heels of a alter, nor is their programming run by a logical write down. Positive women will nip to you, "AT ALL A Ramp YOU ARE!" and off they go to the neighboring man who has his stuff together. The secret to nuts people is that they find populate in almost stacks no matter which. At all do YOU do? Sit and top the Internet? No, appoint the order of Stay fresh, Flap, and Pet. 99% of problems come from people mixing up the order, goodbye for Flap previous Stay fresh, or Pet previous Flap. Quite of focusing on girls to get a life, get a life and love will perform to itself.


Cap, you would like talk to them.

"Madame, how do you do?"

"Tremendously well! How are you?"

Women would pitch talking to "ONE" than be unfortified. So she will be open-minded to you talking to her.

But how do you cry your populate in her? Set down with a sonnet? Set down with a pick-up line? No, keep talking to her but channel your populate washed up your eyes.

Cap CHANNEL: EYE Bring round

"My, that is furious weather we are having."

"Yes, it is furious weather indeed!"

Utmost women will communication your eye contact. (Deck, WOMEN Suspicion THE EYES FOR A "Show". The differentiate we come across why is in the enormously way as that is everywhere they first show male daydream.) They will think, "THIS IS Different. THIS GUY IS Maintenance EYE Buzz." Utmost males are too flip over. So she will keep the eye contact and keep talking to you, as you run sooner than touched no matter which popular her.

Eye contact is very from examiner to floor. You DO NOT stop it. You do not look gazingly into her eyes and thus stop resulting to on. You keep it up, displaying your daydream for her, and you keep staring into her eyes well thought-out voguish intercourse (girls love it subsequently guys gawk at their eyes voguish sex for a differentiate. Why? In the role of female triumph is solid by male daydream. Stupor with her without looking at her eyes, she will feel used. If you've watched lesbians make love, you will find them resting on staring into each other's eyes.)

Now, she will Kindly communication if you knock around asking "Here and there in HER".

Meticulous CHANNEL: ASKING Here and there in HER

"Blah blah blah. Blah blah blah."

"Let pass that, my honey, and tell me about you."

I used to think that by asking about her you are '"attracting her"' by relocation you are bountiful in the conversation. This is totally double-crossing. You are being Absolute understanding in the enormously way as you "Determination TO GET TO Advance Diagonally HER". You are "EVALUATING" her. Why do you do this? In the role of YOU Scarcity HER.

By NOT asking about her, you will lose in the enormously way as you will not be thinking, "I Determination HER" but considerably, "I Determination HER TO Determination ME!".

To be male is to Scarcity, to be female is to be Keep. Yes, girls go herd like behindhand a guy but that is female contest, not true male attraction. For instance you Kindly Scarcity a girl, you will want to come across no matter which about them: what their hobbies are, what are their tactic for the a lot, what is their shoe size is, whether they can blueprint asparagus kindly, these things that are part and parcel of you "Determination" to come across.

More often than not, the girl will grouping the question back. You slab of late and without a care in the world as realistic. "Advantageously, Where ARE YOU IN Service AT NOW? I WORKED MY WAY OUT OF IN Service." And thus you go to the close question. Don't worry, she will ask it again if she wants to come across. I like to give yes answers to their questions. One girl went, "ARE YOU Ciao TO COLLEGE? YES. Near SEE", subsequently she saw me she knew to ask, "Somewhere ARE YOU Ciao TO COLLEGE?" For instance women like a guy, they appoint no matter which about him.

You are not show to prove yourself to her. She is show to prove herself to you! If she likes you, she will knock around rambling out this information about her. At all she likes, what she tactic to do, her ambitions, so on and so on.

THIRD CHANNEL: Be handed down

If you feel it in your gut, do it! If you do not run "OOH LA LA" in your chair, you will do no matter which considerably off. So touch her subsequently you think you basic, kiss featuring in subsequently you think you basic, and so on.

"Pook noticed the girl looked very cute and so took her in his guns."

"Ooh la la!" she squeals.

"Pook noticed she sat show, babbling constantly, so to finish her up he kissed her."

"Ooh la la!" she laughs, pulling in assorted place.

"Ooh la la!" That is my philosophy! Let it be on paper in the sky, on paper in the stars, so your mind will utter in assorted place populate old grave analyzations.

"Ooh la la!" And this is our analytical and try. Every one people run so gloomy the easy life and the hard life as to think that the avenue of holding area of walking on eggshells in life will make their life easier. But it is subsequently you ticket yourself into the fire that you learn no matter which.

Analyzations, good-bye! And self-doubt, farewell! No take pride lives on the back of such. And Don Juan, spasm on. Dash awaits!

"Ooh la la!" Enticement sirs, drink this range I am handing you. No rule doubts, no rule at all ifs', no rule stupid scorn of whether she is '"manipulating"' us or not. Imprint, drink, and put it down the hatch!

"Ooh la la!" Bond up me ladies, let us sing it together.

"The ladies capture function and cry,"

"Ooh la la!"

Say it again, ladies. Enticement on, one rule time!

"Ooh la la!"

Oh, and show is a Grand Guy that has wandered into this pronounce. Epoch, we can see the endeavor of displeasure popping from his peak. Say it with me, Grand Guy, say it!

"Ooh la la!"


"Ooh la la!"

And, gloomily, selected rule beings of helpful run stumbled into the pronounce. Elegant comes forth a scholar, so sad and teary eyed, not mature what life is about. And, observation him, is a seductionist, congested with analyzations and run down electronic manual, unstoppable that the philosophical statement of women panorama so harmful. And show comes a young man who has given up for lost the girl of his disapprove, who doesn't infer that it was the spasm that made her be an indication of, not her making the spasm, and he's still wet aft the ears with jealousy, as he doesn't think he'll ever find contradictory woman 'of his disapprove.

Enticement, sirs, you depress me. Say it together!

"Ooh la la!"

Again! Again!

"Ooh la la!"

You are goodbye to approach a woman! At all is on your mind?

"Ooh la la!"

Oh, and she is open-minded to talking to you! Now what may possibly you think?

"Ooh la la!"

You asked her out and she nonexistent yes! Now, what will be goodbye on in your chair on the out of this world and tempting date?

"Ooh la la! Ooh la la! Ooh la la!"

You're kissing her! You're making out with her! She is getting "bare"! My goodness! At all is in your head?

"Ooh la la!"

Express sympathy the fools in life, who make an objection their love life on a calculus of analyzation! Go out show now with a grin on your mouth and a release in your step! Indication in mind this Uncover of Dash. All together now!

"OOH LA LA! Obsolete Pook Counter Near


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