Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Dont Listen To Female Advice On Dating

Dont Listen To Female Advice On Dating
Seriously, in most cases you would be better off doing precisely the opposite. Dr. Helen Smith notes a certain contradiction in the advice from the author of "Dating 101":I read an article this morning (via Instapundit) entitled "18 Things Men Need To Know That Women Won't Tell Them." The Your Tango expert article is written by Deanna Frazier, the author of Dating 101: The Second, Third, or Fourth Time Around. She states that "It's not how much money you have, or looks, or power, its PRESENCE.."Really? Then why is all the advice given about how to improve your looks, confidence (which on some level gives the illusion of power), and money, because without it, you can't hire the coaches, and buy the manicures and hand lotions you need to impress the women.It cannot be stressed enough that female dating advice is aimed at ALPHAS and concerns how women wish ALPHAS would behave. It isn't aimed at the majority of men, because to women, the majority of men simply don't figure into their calculations at all. As OK Cupid has demonstrated, women rate 80 percent of men below average."Females of OkCupid, we site founders say to you: ouch! Paradoxically, it seems it's women, not men, who have unrealistic standards for the "average" member of the opposite sex."This is why all of the myths so cherished by deltas and gammas are precisely that, myths. Women aren't attracted to a man who is a gentleman, they are attracted to an Alpha and they would like him to behave like a gentleman. They are not attracted to a delta who behaves like a gentleman for the obvious reason that he isn't an ALPHA. Basically, from the female perspective, there is essentially no difference between a male 1 and a male 6. They're all below notice.So, when a woman is talking about men, it is always vital to translate and determine if "men" = all men or "men" = ALPHAS. And if she is providing what passes for advice to men, you can be certain that the latter meaning is intended.Alpha Game 2011


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