Friday, December 4, 2009

Improving Life With Neuro Linguistic Programming Or Nlp

People are beginning to understand how they can make their lives better through Neuro Linguistic Programming or NLP. The NLP PERSUASION SKILLS theory basically states that one can reprogram their connections between thought, language, and experience in order to cure themselves of phobias and bad habits. Naturally, this system has many critics, but there are those who swear that the exercises have helped them.

The BEST NLP TRAINING concept was developed in the early 1970s as a means to cure neuroses. Many self-help gurus were students of the original creators of this approach, and used their methods to promote a stronger self esteem. Individuals with a strong self esteem tend to be more successful, and in the heart of the self help movement is a notion that anyone is capable of achieving this success.

Those who specialize in hypnotherapy utilize this concept, as the use of words is meant to bring a person into a hypnotic state. While the person is in this state, they are vulnerable to suggestion. Therapists use suggestion to help patients quit smoking or drinking, or even to assist them with negative experiences in their past.

The concept basically states that during negative experiences, there are word associations which become a part of that experience for the individual. By reprogramming how the person responds to words specific to the negative experience, they can be cured. This can result in a lessening of panic attacks, and can even help a person to develop healthier relationships.

The scientific community has largely discredited this discipline as a pseudoscience. By the 1990s the interest in and research into these methods as a form of therapy were largely abandoned. It has remained well within the realm of the hypnotherapist, and never became mainstream.

Some individuals kept the practice within the realm of meditation and positive personal reinforcement. Any therapy that focuses on the subconscious creates a situation where unsavory individuals can actually do harm rather than help people. But it is important to note that techniques such as healthy mantra chants are utilizing this technique.

While there still remains a level of controversy regarding NEURO LINGUISTIC PROGRAMMING or NLP, by and large people have benefited from the practice. Whether they needed treatment for neurotic responses such as panic attacks, or simply wish to improve their general outlook on life. Learning how words impact thoughts, which in turn impacts the way we behave, is still worthy of study.


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