Cabin HARRIS TEBET /HOTEL PURI DENPASAR, Jakarta 18 - 19 September 2014 RP. 3.500.000
Cabin HARRIS TEBET /HOTEL PURI DENPASAR, Jakarta 13 - 14 November 2014 RP. 3.500.000
Materi "Leadership"atau Kepemimpinan ini adalah materi yang kami susun berdasarkan kombinasi cerdas dari teori kepemimpinan, dan realita di lapangan yang pernah kami alami, baik ketika kami menjadi seorang bawahan maupun saat kami menjadi seorang pemimpin.
Kami menyusunnya secara sederhana dan tepat guna, karena kami percaya bahwa leadership adalah mengenai tindakan nyata, dengan mengambil teori sebagai referensi.
Sumber materi kami berasal dari realita dunia kerja sehari hari, serta menarik referensi terbaik dari para guru leadership yang memperkaya wawasan peserta.
* Mastering the philosophy of "leadership".
* Difference of Escort and Valve
* Ratification the tutorial that any person CAN be a Escort.
* Mature self leadership style, and how to use it brightly.
* Array 4 basic functions.
* Leader's paradigms
* Learning the opinion of Groom by EXAMPLES.
* Link how to build "The unexplained"
* How to Set Result and Air strike it with NLPTM
* Link how to juncture duo members
* On the road to recovery level of confidence.
Surroundings AND Comprehension
* Exuberance Contain Appoint and Edit to Edit Salesman / Profitable Advisor
* Waiter on a Journey Line of attack Group based in Seattle, Washington -USA
* Kindness practitioner for 20 living in rival Cabin, Cudgel and Dining hall properties.
* 12 living experience as practitioner in Education and Swelling in Kindness and Be bought companies as Firstly of T&D and Corporate Education Valve
* Ascribed Tutor from a traditional Cosmos Cabin Argue for Dispatch, Train the Tutor and Customer Habit.
* Ascribed and Proficient Master Practitioner of NLP
* Link of NLP Company USA under DR Richard Bandler
* Link of NLPTM Society Indonesia
* Link of The Society of NLPTM Transnational
* Elder Equate Tutor of Inspirasi Indonesia
Word :
9 am - 4 pm rag
Supervisors, Troop Managers, Managers
RP. 3.500.000,- (termasuk Relic, hip flask group, materi extra dan CD modul, 2x "brunette break", makan siang dan sertifikat)
Cabin Harris Tebet / Puri Denpasar Cabin - Jakarta Selatan
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